Aviation & Transportation

As aviation & transport are major drivers for economic and social progress, Hadara Global Group believes in supporting and utilizing these means to drive our economic and social progress as an organization.
Hadara has a dedicated Aviation Finance and Transportation Group, which works exclusively on aviation, shipping, rail and other asset financing, trading and leasing matters on a daily basis. The Aviation Finance and Transportation Group advises on leasing, commercial debt and export credit agency supported financing, as well as aircraft, aircraft engine and helicopter portfolio trading. We advise both domestic and international asset financing banks in relation to financing and leasing of commercial and corporate aircraft, helicopters, rail rolling stock and ships. We also regularly act as deal counsel in complex cross-border financing.
Economic Progress:
Aviation & Transport contributes to sustainable development. Some 6.7 million direct tourism jobs are supported by the spending of international visitors arriving by air. As a capital-intensive business, productivity per worker in the air transport industry is very high, at three and a half times the average for other sectors.
One primary goal is to participate in creating global employment opportunities & expand tourism. By facilitating tourism and trade, aviation & transport generates economic growth, provides jobs, increases revenues from taxes, and fosters the conservation of protected areas.
Social Progress:
Hadara Global Group believes strongly in philanthropic works and supports initiatives that engage the disenfranchised and disadvantaged. We have a heart for women & children in need and also seek to improve on social inclusion in remote areas, improve living standards and alleviate poverty through the delivery of emergency and humanitarian aid relief anywhere on earth, and ensuring the swift delivery of medical supplies, medications and organs for transplantation.